Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Installment 2 "A New Life Saga" The Yard Sale

It seems only yesterday that I posted my last blog. Not half a month! Happily, I can say that my delinquency is due to being busy rather than any of the sedentary negatives that might plague a person.

As yard sales go, I must tell you how much I absolutely despise them! That's right. I do. After the last one almost five years ago, I announced to any who might have been listening that I would never do another. There it is. That 'never' word that always trips you up. Well, the cars are in the drive - not the garage, because the two car garage is filled with 'stuff' accumulated over the years. There's even 'stuff' from our previous residence that was moved because we ran out of time to deal with it. It's one and a half weeks until THE DAY(S) and I'm still in denial that it's actually happening even though I've spent hours and muscles moving, toting, cleaning and sorting. I've drawn out the 'where' of everything - what needs to be sheltered should the weather not cooperate and what can be moved in and out of protection from would be 'help yourselfers' during the time we are not 'selling'.

Midst all this mess, spring has decided to visit in an unusually beautiful manner, motivating those urges to plant, pull weeds and rearrange things you've been deliberating on all winter. Here again, there is cause to distinguish between the absolute 'needs to be done' and the 'I wants'. So, I've deigned to spray the yard to kill the neighbor's dandelions myself and coo to my son and grand daughters to do the heavy things I can no longer force my body to accomplish. When asked, "What will you do if I move away?", I simply say, by that time, I'll either be able to pay someone else to do it or have moved into a condo where it wouldn't be an issue. Problem solved. Wish all problems were that easy.

My author/teacher cousin in Texas has encouraged me to blog more often. I am giving that thought serious consideration. I must have a clear goal for spending the time blogging. She has accrued many 'followers' who have encouraged her to do more, better, bigger, etc. Please treat yourself - visit her blog.

Personal update: BOOKS ARE IN! Email me if you would like a copy (tax & ship costs inc.) $19.95 Check it out!

Thirty three days since my last 'puff' and about six pounds lighter than when I last blogged! Doing good! Feeling good! One more 'fast' day and I believe I might lick that 'plateau' I've been fighting for the past five years.

Coming soon: More Yard Sale and perhaps, a little surprise! No. I'm not pregnant!

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